SMIILD is made up of representatives of ten of the following faith communities and community organizations that have taken positions in support of the legal defense fund concept.

Vecinos Unidos
Alliance of Chicano, Hispanic, and Latino Americans (ACHLA)
Sisters of St. Francis
First Unitarian Universalist Church of Rochester
Rochester Friends (Quakers)
Peace United Church of Christ
Rochester International Association
Rochester Indivisible
Tzedek (Social Action/Social Justice)| Committee of B’Nai Israel Synagogue
Intercultural Mutual Assistance Association Board
Holy Ground catholic Community
In the City for Good
CURE (Communities United for Rochester Empowerment)
Christ United Methodist Church (Social Justice Committee) Evangelical Lutheran Church of America SE Minnesota Synod AMMPARO (Accompany Migrants and Minors with Protection, Advocacy, Representation, and Opportunity)

Mike Resman, Chair

Don Baldus, Assistant Treasurer

Patricio Aleman (alternate)

Kent Bailey

Mark Boorsma

Richard Dahl

Miriam Goodson

Marlys Jax

David Turner

Jean-Claude Velasquez

Phil Wheeler, past Chair

Mark Wieland