Southeastern Minnesota Interfaith Immigrant Legal Defense (SMIILD) is a non-profit organization incorporated under the laws of the State of Minnesota (MS 317A). Our mission is to ensure the availability of immigration legal services for those who live or work in Southeastern Minnesota.
The fiscal sponsor that helped us to get started was the Diversity Council. We are now operating with the Rochester Area Foundation (RAF) as our fiscal sponsor. You can support our work by going to RAF’s donation page at
or by mailing a check made out to Rochester Area Foundation to 12 Elton Hills Drive NW, Rochester, MN 55901, with SMIILD in the memo line.
We believe in the sanctity of the family and the inherent worth of every individual. We are working to ensure that the ideals of the United States apply to everyone residing in this community. These include the presumption of innocence, the right to legal counsel, equal treatment under the law, the right to be released on bail, and the right to humane treatment by government agents.
We are working to accomplish this by
Learning of and responding to the needs of our local immigrant communities.
Helping to ensure legal representation and justice for persons involved in the immigration court system. We enter into annual contracts with Immigrant Law Center of Minnesota and The Advocates for Human Rights to accomplish this goal.
Coordinating with the Alliance of Chicano, Hispanic, and Latino Americans (ACHLA) and other local organizations to provide for local immigration legal assistance clinics.
SMIILD is made up of members of faith communities and organizations that support our Immigrant Legal Defense Fund and faith communities that have designated themselves as sanctuary or sanctuary support.